Registration Form Full Name of Player: Age: Date of Birth: Gender: MaleFemalePrefer not to say Parent/Guardian's Full Name: Home Address: Mobile # (In Case of Emergency): Email: Preferred Starting Date: Playing Preferences: (If any) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday Preferred Time: 8.30 AM9.00 AM9.30 AM10.00 AM10.30 AM11.00 AM11.30 AM12.00 PM12.30 PM01.00 PM01.30 PM02.00 PM02.30 PM03.00 PM03.30 PM04.00 PM04.30 PM05.00 PM05.30 PM06.00 PM06.30 PM07.00 PM Player's Doctor's Name: Doctor's Phone Number: Does the player have any health issues we need to know about? Any allergies or sensitivities? Any medical conditions (Eg: epilepsy, diabetes etc.) any dietary requirements? Anything else we need to know about your child? Do you consent for photos of your child to be placed on the Academy website, Social media/or blog? YesNo